111 Ticket
111 Ticket
Win £1000 voucher to spend on Art!
Deadline for ticket sales is 31st October - Draw is 1 November 2024.
111 is a raffle with extremely good odds. We are hosting a raffle with only 111 tickets on sale for £10 each. You are welcome to buy as many tickets as you fancy but we will only sell 111. Then on 1 / 11 (1st November) we will pick a prize winner which will win a £1000 voucher to spend in the gallery!
Have you always hankered after something a little outside your budget? That dodo perhaps or that fabulous ring or the painting that stretches your budget a bit too far? Well now is your chance. Get your self a ticket, or a few, for £10 each and be in with a good chance of winning £1000 to spend on anything you fancy at Cupola. The only rules are that the voucher needs to be spent before Christmas this year and that if you spend less than £1000 on your artwork you don't get any change! You may buy more than one item of course and you are welcome to pay the difference if you fancy something costing more than £1000. Remember there are only 111 tickets so either pop into the gallery or buy them online. We can even take orders over the phone 0114 2852665. The winning number will be posted on the news section of our website. We will also contact the winning ticket holder, of course!!