So You Think You Can't Draw
Sunday 5 September. 1-4pm
Suitable for 14 years and above.
PLEASE BOOK due to limited space. Call 0114 285 2665 to reserve a place.
Workshop description
This workshop is aimed at people who are scared of drawing, or feel that they ‘can’t do it’. Jessica intends to help you loosen up and play with some experimental techniques. These techniques will include non-dominant hand drawing, ‘blind’ drawing, layered drawing, quick drawing, playing with different materials, including sticks and ink.
Jessica says “I have always encouraged looser styles and experimentation in the Anatomy drawing workshops I’ve delivered at The Millennium Galleries & The Ruskin School of Art.
The biggest lesson I would like participants to get out of the workshop experience is learning how to look. Through learning to look, we learn a huge amount about the world around us and our artistic and visual skills improve extremely quickly.”