4 May - 1 June
Opening 7:30pm 3 May

“My work is stimulated by the transition in organic processes such as ephemeral forms and instability of colour in floral materials. I specifically preserve plant materials including petals, florets and leaves which are coated with specialist resins and reinforced with fibreglass. The application is repeated about 20 - 30 times depending on the nature and characteristics of materials. I then present flowers as objects.
Each stage of flower development - the bud, the bloom, and the fade - is impermanent yet astonishingly beautiful. I am to capture a moment of beauty which is complimented by the eternal fragility of flora, a metaphor I use for human existence. For me, the images that I choose as subject matter suggest mortality and the transitory nature of life. The objects I produce with the flowers signify the futility of human activity in which my acceptance and embracement of natural progression is presented, as well as deterioration in both physical and emotional states.
My work is a way of rendering my aesthetic appreciation of life. I strive to deliver the fundamental essence of nature through the artform of sculpture.”
We are thrilled to welcome Fumi’s work in her solo exhibition. Fumi is a Japanese artist living in Barnsley who focuses on the art of miniatures. She has a passion for organic materials and natural processes which are used to create sculptures of insects or jewellery.