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Selected Awards:
Brook Gallery Award, BITE Exhibition, 2012
RIS Purchase Prize, RE Open 2012
Hector Purchase Prize Award, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers 2010
Technician´s Choice Award, Originals 2010
Ashmolean Museum Oxford Prize 2009
Joseph Webb Memorial Award for outstanding etching, Originals 2009
Fenton Arts Trust Award, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers 2009
David Gluck RE Memorial Award, Artichoke Print Workshop, Originals 2008
John Purcell Paper Award, Originals 2007
Printmaking Today Award, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers 2006
Burt & Co Paper Award, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers 2005
St Cuthbert´s Mill Award, Mall Galleries, Originals 2005
University of Aberystwyth School of Art, Purchase Prize, Originals 2005
Martin Langford
"I don´t set out to produce art about one subject or another. I´m never without a sketchbook to hand so I am constantly drawing and sometimes the drawings are left in the sketchbook and other times they develop into more in-depth ideas and detailed images.
I didn´t set out to be an environmental artist or to create artwork relating to social commentary but as my portfolio developed and people started to review my work, the descriptions started to emerge and I began to notice a pattern I hadn´t intended but am now please with.
My work tends to focus on the environment, the evolution of man and his material wealth, the development of bigger and bigger cities, more and more people, cars and industry on the planet and the consequences this has on nature. Some reviews have labelled my work as ´black humour´ but I always try to depict a positive message too - the persistence of nature in recapturing what once belonged to the earth.
At school, the only class I really paid any attention in was art. I simply wasn´t interested in anything else and I think my obsession with depicting the monotony of the work place and work force started there...
Some of my subject matter is about people´s daily routines and a comment on human nature. And since I´ve always been a fan of mafia films - a new strand of work seems to have emerged depicting a very ´human´ and ´school playground´ side to mob life.
None of it was intentional - it all developed and evolved over time. People always ask for my artist statement so I needed to do one but I´ve never liked to explain a certain piece of work - if you´ve made a picture and that´s how you wanted it to be - hopefully it can speak for itself and whatever it says to the viewer - it´s the right message because there isn´t a wrong and a right message. Each person takes something a little different from the same picture and I´m happy with that."