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Jamie Frost
Jamie Frost MRSS is a sculptor and draughtsman who grew up in Yorkshire’s ‘sculpture triangle’. Noted for his portraiture and figurative drawings, he is an award-winning artist who has exhibited internationally and across the UK.
He often takes great pains to use iterative processes that create tightly corporeal forms, holding the viewer's attention. This intensity eventually succumbs to the natural inclinations of the media in energetic and dramatic strokes, splinters, cuts, washes. The processes employed are often slow. This allows Jamie to consider a work’s impact and carefully ‘tune’ the pose, stature, gesture and expressions to these ends.
Working with live models, he takes inspiration from classical sculpture, cinema, Butoh theatre, or possibly a gesture made in his company. Jamie’s sculptures and drawings play with a sense of narrative and have a strong sense of emotional content, reflecting shared human experiences.
about the artist_
image courtesy of Elspeth Mary Moore
‘The words we use with trees: limb; heartwood; trunk, are the language of bodies. The smell, warmth, weight, moisture, the sounds, are analogous with human flesh. They are heady and visceral. These sensory qualities heighten my relationship with the work and I see no reason to suppress this. I wish you to experience it. We rely on muscle memory to perform actions. Perhaps it follows that a certain amount of emotional memory might be required in the making of art, to draw upon a recollection of things felt.’
-excerpt from the catalogue for ‘The Way of All Flesh’