Fullfilment Centre
Jamie Frost
30 April - 4 June
Opening 29 April 7:30pm
'After an acclaimed touring exhibition, The Way of All flesh, which came to Cupola Gallery in 2019, Jamie Frost now brings an exhibition of figurative works produced in the last two years. Collected under the title 'Fulfilment Centre’, drawing, painting, sculpture and photography enmesh to address aspects of human interaction. Developing from earlier figurative work, all rely on methods of disguise, distortion, concealment or objectification to speak about the shifting gaps between us. A large part of the exhibition consists of drawings in which the artist describes actions and movements in increasingly simple terms.’
Jamie Frost is a fine artist working in sculpture and drawing. Drawing from figurative sources, his work often creates a dialogue between traditional figurative techniques and things less tangible. Teaching his specialisms from his own studio enables ongoing public engagement with his work.
Working with live models, he may take inspiration from classical sculpture, cinema, Butoh theatre, or a gesture made in his company. Jamie patiently considers the pose, composition and gesture of his works in lengthy experimentation. A layered process of sketches, prints, maquettes, photographs, and drawings contribute to the production of major pieces of sculpture or installation. Recent works explore pairings and groups of figures, revealing an interest in the gaps between us, both imposed and elective.