“In these recent paintings of Bradford I have made an attempt to reflect my every day experience of the city and to make a record of a familiar place. They are an attempt to paint the city in a way that recreates some new aspect of that familiar experience. These are urban landscapes based on a variety of source material collected and made by traveling along the same streets every day.; regularly seeing the same characters going to work at the same time; parents taking the kids to school each weekday and the same buildings in changing light and weather. Some are started by an interest in the lighting effects seen on the side of a building; the aesthetic delight in the atmosphere; the the striking colour effects of modern shop fronts and the chance juxtaposition of urban colours. People are portrayed against the backdrop of an urban/industrial landscape one where the old Victorian city merges with the new world of multicultural Bradford. Many of the paintings are collaged together from different sources including memory, direct observations, photographs and/or drawings. These collages are often a combination of different locations with superimposed figures that are made to conform to a convincing and conventional depiction of pictorial space but are in fact imaginary spaces. I have painted Bradford in a variety of different times of day and am interested in reflecting the atmosphere and light of the city at particular moments.”
Martin Hearne 2022

Martin Hearne was born on the Isle of Man and studied art initially at the Douglas art college, then to degree level at St Martin’s College in London. Ceramics was the main focus of his own work and teaching specialism, although in recent years has explored subjects through painting. He has lived in the Bradford district for over 30 years and from 1990 onward taught fine art at Bradford College, School of Art. He has also taught art as a visiting lecturer at the University of the Basque Country, Spain. Martin has work in public collections nationally and private collections internationally.