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Seize The Day by Clare Bassett

Seize the Day by Clare Bassett
9 June – 7 July
Opening 7:30pm Friday 8 June

Clare has been working for over thirty years creating lithographs, screenprints and oil paintings of monumental female figures. She works in London and Gloucestershire.

"I look at the familiar with an unsettled glance, as well as a touch of humour. My figures are not assured in their place in the world. For them life is often a bit of a puzzle. Sometimes their world even spirals into the dreamlike and surreal. Things are not always as we think.  We all face constant change: uncertainty one moment and understanding the next.  Frustration , then acceptance. Indecision, then resolution. But we quickly move on. I like to pause and capture some of these points in time. Just by looking, we are exposed." Clare Bassett

Clare has exhibited nationally and internationally, including one woman shows in London, York, Sheffield, Cambridge, Oxford and Singapore.

"intense, whimsical and humorous"
Singapore Times